Collaborative Living for PPOR(principal place of residence) by acquiring 40% share of property(Tenants in Common Title) to build a granny flat, on an elevated site.For Couples/Individuals downsizing, needing a far cheaper acquirement, near the city/hospitals/specialists. Small families.Flat can be up to 80m

2 without prior Council approval!Property fully complying under B.C.C(Brisbane city council city plan 2014)Share whole property(as per law), with privacy considerations at the fore of our shared collective living!Owner having environmental/social justice career, activist living here over 30 years, now sole occupant, after family growing up here.Highly sought after, Leafy quiet suburb, near all amenities, with city 10 minutes away

Professional Property Valuation done in January 2022

Property Lawyer overseeing contract/agreements-Memorandum of contract understanding-Deed of trust-Granny flat for personal use, no renting out, or quick sale

Contact email, please ask all relevant questions, will endeavour to answer, or property lawyer available similarly.