All items are for sale excluding the NASA space shuttleSome Minifigures missing and parts missing please message me what you need to know and I’ll check. All instructions are included and all UCS sets have their original boxes as well as some other sets.
Death star sold (sold)
At te $200
Dropship with ATOT (sold)
UCS falcon $1000
Republic frigate $400
BB8 $150
Grogu $70R2D2 $300
Porg $150
Republic gunship $300
Anakins star fighter
Jubbas sail barge $600
Jubbas palace $500
Rancor pit $400
Desert skiff $150
UCS snowspeeder $500
Mos epsa cantina $200
Clone turbo tank $400
U wing $250
ATM6 $200
Motorized ATAT $500
ATST $150Tie fighter $150
Naboo starfighter $250
Clone fighter tank $250
Star destroyer $500
Tantive IV $400
Kylo Ren shuttle $200
Rouge shadow $200UCS Ywing $400
Kylo Ren starfighter $200
Xwing $150Poe’s xwing $150
Imperial shuttle $70
Kenics shuttle $200
Ewok village $700
Will sell the entire collection for $9,000There are many unbuilt star wars sets in the tubs.
All up estimated value is over 13,000