Sasskies currently have 7, 9 week old German Shepherd X Alaskan Malamute puppies available for re-homing to their furever homes.
There are 4 females and 3 males in the litter..
The litter of 7 has been socialised with children as well as cats and they have been raised in a smoke-free environment.
All the puppies have been flea treated and wormed at 2, 4, 6 & 8 weeks of age.The litter of 7 has completed their vet checks successfully at the Gawler Animal Hospital on the 15/11/2021 and all puppies are in good health.
The puppies have undergone their vaccinations which include the CDV, CAV, CPV & Pi2 vaccinations.
Microchipping and vaccination documentation will be provided with the purchase of your puppy.
The puppies have not been de-sexed as they are under-age for this procedure.
Viewings are available upon request as well as additional photos!
If you are from interstate and have taken a likening to a puppy, I am more then happy to help you with the process of organising transportation.
Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions… 🙂
Thank you!
DACO 196667
NCPI 9002840
Microchip Numbers: